Helping Hand Systems

Helping hand brackets are an integral part of the Helping hand systems used in cladding installations. They are designed to support and secure cladding panels to the building's structure, ensuring they are firmly fixed in place. These brackets are made from durable materials like stainless steel and aluminium and are designed to withstand environmental factors such as wind loads.

Installing Helping hand brackets in commercial buildings helps improve the cladding's stability and safety, reduces the risk of damage and potential injury, and extends the cladding system's lifespan.

Choosing the right Helping hand system can enhance the appearance and value of commercial buildings. Contact us today to discuss your requirementsand how we can assist you to find the best system for your structure.

Our brackets are designed to take out tolerances in the substrate giving a perfectly flat, linedand levelled carrier frame.

Systems can be fixed horizontal or vertical, utilising 3mm thick aluminium (3013H14 Structural Aluminium Grade) angle and channel section rails & brackets to suit various depths.


Structural Brackets

Structural brackets are components used to connect and secure building elements such as beams and columns. They can be made of various materials and come in different shapes and sizes.

The purpose of these brackets is to provide structural support and stability to a building. By installing structural brackets, commercial buildings can ensure the safety and longevity of their structures. Additionally, these brackets can improve the overall aesthetic appeal of a building while providing cost-effective solutions to construction challenges.

We supply bespoke-sized structural brackets – fabricated from pre-galvanised steel (S275 GD+Z Structural Steel Grade), mild steel and galvanised after manufacture if required.


Thermal Breaks

Thermal breaks are insulating materials used in building construction to prevent heat transfer between two conductive materials, such as metal framing and exterior cladding.

They can be made of materials such as polyurethane, polyamide, or PVC. The purpose of thermal breaks is to reduce energy consumption and improve the overall energy efficiency of commercial buildings. Installing thermal breaks can also improve indoor comfort, reduce condensation, and increase the building's lifespan.

By ensuring you install thermal breaks, your structure can make huge savings by reducing energy costs and enhancing the building's value. Our breaks can be customized in several ways and various thicknesses up to 10mm thick as required.

If you have further questions about our thermal breaks, please contact our team on the details below.