Rainscreen systems are a vital component in modern construction, offering numerous benefits for businesses. These systems consist of a ventilated air gap between the building’s exterior cladding and the structural wall.
The key features include improved thermal insulation, enhanced moisture management, and increased energy efficiency. Rain screen systems also provide superior protection against water infiltration, preventing potential damage to the building’s structure.
By investing in rain screen systems, you can enjoy long-term cost savings, improved building performance, and a visually appealing facade, ensuring a durable and sustainable construction solution.
Our Arcus Plank system also achieved class E5 impact resistance soft and hard body to BS EN12600 and BS8200: 1985 App. G respectively. The extrusions are cut to any length up to 6 metres.
We provide:
- Interchangeable modules
- Any length of tile up to 6 meters
- Bi-colour PPC systems
- Infinite colour combinations
- Textures and colours
- Easy to install and Cost-effective